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The Scottish Episcopal Church In the Anglican Communion
The Scottish Episcopal Church is one of the 44 provinces and churches which make up the 80 million membership of the Anglican Communion across the world.
Communion membership is important to the Scottish Episcopal Church. The consecration by the Scottish bishops of Samuel Seabury as the first bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America in 1784 was one of the events which shaped the Anglican Communion as a family of independent provinces.
That shared history shapes a strong bond between the SEC and The Episcopal Church in the USA.
The Scottish Episcopal Church retains a strong commitment to the life of the global Anglican Communion.
The history of the Scottish diaspora provides a network of contacts across the world and the commitment of the SEC to world mission involves the SEC in partnership with local churches.
The dioceses of the Scottish Episcopal Church sustain a strong network of companionship relationships with dioceses in other provinces.
Members of the Scottish Episcopal Church are active in many aspects of the life of the Anglican Communion, particularly in the Anglican Communion Networks.
While deeply committed to the life of the Anglican Communion, it is characteristic of the Scottish Episcopal Church to express a determined independence of thought and action.
The Scottish Episcopal Church was one of the first provinces to make a clear decision not to adopt the Anglican Covenant.
Thank you for visiting.
You come and you visit our website and we have no idea if you are 5,000 kilometres away or in the next street. Somewhere in between, probably. Well, we are a small but devoted congregation and although I say it myself, I believe we are friendly and welcoming. I think one of the special characteristics of our faith is that if you go to church in a strange place, you should be able to say that you have a ready made body of friends or at least, potential friends in that Christian community. So if you are looking for somewhere to worship God in the Anglican style, in a place where you will be welcomed, be it passing through on holiday, or because you live in this part of Annandale, do come and join us for our main service at 11.15 on Sunday morning, we would love to see you.
Service times are as follows:
Sunday – 11.15 am Sung Eucharist,