

Annandale Group Barbeque

August 12th a special day
Well why special……well it was the Annandale Group B.B.Q. and the rain stayed away, the sun was shining and a lot of people enjoyed themselves, so I think that makes it a great day. All Saints, Lockerbie hosted the B.B.Q. David Rose at the Barbeque,

David Rose at the Barby

Ian Stewart at the Bar, Pauline Rose and Barbara  Stewart at the teas coffee, and Kath (that me) at the salad bar, with lots of help setting everything up and of course taking down after a super event, what a wonderful collection. (gosh that sounds like the introduction to a band) I believe there was about 30 people, gathered from  all five churches in the group. A very, very enjoyable day.




Kath Leadbeater