St. Mark by the Rev. Ian Birkenshaw

On Saturday evening 25th November All Saints Episcopal Church Lockerbie was privileged to host a dramatic retelling of the Gospel of St Mark by the Rev Ian Birkenshaw and his son Peter, who provided the original atmospheric guitar music for the performance.

A traveller arrived in the church and took the audience of 60+ people to the bank of the River Jordan to witness the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. For the next hour we travelled with Jesus and his disciples, at the beginning of his ministry, throughout Galilee. During our travels we witnessed and marvelled at the miracles, the parables and the teachings of Christ through the artistry of Ian Birkenshaw.

The second hour took us with them on the journey to Jerusalem. We watched as Jesus interacted with people, cleansed the temple and engaged in debate with those in authority. We were present at the last supper.   We were witnesses to his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane and were appalled at his betrayal by one of his own. We were with him during his trial by both High Priest and Pilate and we cringed at his humiliation by the Roman soldiers.

The Crucifixion, as depicted by Ian Birkenshaw was both awesome and heartrending. The experience brought the man Jesus to life and held the audience spellbound.

Ian Birkenshaw’s powerful performance and fast flowing narrative was truly awesome. It was a performance that will be remembered for a very long time.   A hearty vote of thanks to  Rev’d Ian Birkenshaw and his son Pete, who, with the aid of a chair, a little table, a staff, a shawl and a guitar brought the whole of the Gospel to life.

Margaret Buchanan

Photos taken from Rev Ian Birkinshaw website

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